Northwest Arkansas Miata Club

Sharing our Passion for Miatas since 1999!

If you have a Mazda Miata, you are more than welcome to join our club and help us explore the area while enjoying the friendship of our membership.

Join Us For A Run

When we have an outing or meeting scheduled, we invite you to join us in your Miata on our 'Miata perfect' road trips in the Ozarks.  We stop at unique restaurants and points of interest along the way.




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Saturday March 1st- Golden Corral in Rogers 2605 W Pleasant Crossing Dr., Rogers, AR. The Business meeting will start at 9:30 am, come earlier for breakfast and socializing.

February 12th - Wednesday 9am, Men’s Breakfast. Lucy’s Diner, 511 W Walnut St, Rogers

February 15th - Kevin and Elaine will lead a ride to the Oark Cafe.

We will meet at the Walmart at the corner of Hwy 412 (Robinson Ave) and Butterfield Coach Road in Springdale.

3553 E Robinson Ave, Springdale, AR 72764

Meet at 10:30 AM for a 10:45 AM departure

Were gonna head toward Huntsville, then Hwy 74 and 21 towards the Ponca area.

Then down to Oark.

About 2 hours to get to the General Store.

Then come back Hwy 215, Hwy 23, to Hwy 16 and into Elkins and Fayetteville.

About 1 hour 45 minutes to get back.



Please let us know if you plan on attending, so we can have a rough count.