Northwest Arkansas Miata Club
Sharing our Passion for Miatas since 1999!
If you have a Mazda Miata, you are more than welcome to join our club and help us explore the area while enjoying the friendship of our membership.
Join Us For A Run
When we have an outing or meeting scheduled, we invite you to join us in your Miata on our 'Miata perfect' road trips in the Ozarks. We stop at unique restaurants and points of interest along the way.
Saturday April 5th- Golden Corral in Rogers, 2605 W Pleasant Crossing Dr.
The Business meeting will start at 9:30 am, come earlier for breakfast and socializing.
April 5th - After meeting ride to Mt. Magazine, led by Ronny and Cindi The drive will be a 150 mile drive to the top of Mt Magazine for lunch and scenic viewing from Arkansas’ highest point. We will eat lunch at the Skycrest Restaurant in the Lodge at 2:15. After lunch and touring the mountain top we will return to NWA.
April12th - Our Steak Night at Double R&P outside of Westville OK will be Saturday April 12th with reservations at 5pm.
We will have a couple of meeting locations. Those closest to Farmington will leave from there, and another group will leave from the Bella Vista area.
More details on that as we get closer.
April 19th - Hanger Kafe in Miller, MO

Queen Wilhelmina Event June 19-22
The Crossroads Miata Clube and the Northwest Arkansas Miata Club at Queen Wilhelmina State Park for a fun weekend of drives and visiting. We have 25 rooms blocked with prices from $119.00 to $129.00 per night. The hotel is surrounded by curvy roads and picturesque views. We also have a Conference room for card playing and visiting in the evenings.
We are still working on details, but rooms are limited, so I would suggest making your reservation now. An evite will be sent out as we get closer to the event with more details. If you make a reservation, please let me know.
Hotel Information: Queen Wilhelmina State Park
1-800-264-2477 Crossroads Miata Club Event ID 7043